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Herb Gardening - Great For Food Or Pleasure

There are few things better tasting than foods seasoned with herbs grown in your own backyard herb garden. A small 4 foot by 6 foot herb garden can provide plenty of room to grow enough herbs for a small family. Many common herbs can easily be grown indoors or outdoors for use in cooking.

Of course, cooking is not the only reason for growing herbs. Adding herbs to a flower garden or landscaping area is a great way to add aromatic elements to your gardening area. Many of the herb plant varieties are very aromatic and can enhance the atmosphere of your backyard landscaping.

Some herbs can also enhance vegetable flavors if you plant them next to each other. Tomatoes are highly susceptible to picking up the flavors of nearby herb plants. This can create a unique and delicious taste in your vegetables that is dependent on the herbs that you plant nearby. Some herb plants produce beautiful flowers and can be a wonderful addition to a flower garden.

One of the most important aspects of growing herbs in a home garden for use in cooking is the preservation process. Herbs can be used fresh while they are in season, but if you plan to use them over the winter months, you will need to dry or freeze your herbs to preserve them.

Herbs are great for beginners because they require very little soil and fertilization maintenance. Also, pests and diseases are not usually problematic areas for herbs. If you are growing herbs for the first time, try to limit your choices to a few of the basic herbs, such as chives, parsley, basil, thyme, coriander, sage, rosemary and dill.

Growing herbs indoors or outdoors is easy and beneficial for use in cooking, aromatics or simply decoration. Try your hand at maintaining an herb garden, and you will be well pleased with the results.

Herb Garden Design

Since ancient times, large gardens have been used for growing vegetables, flowers, fruits and medicines. These gardens are called herb gardens. Some common plants grown are rosemary, parsley, sage, marjoram, thyme, mint, rue, angelica, bay and basil. Herb garden designs can be useful or ornamental depending on the kind of plants grown in them.

Herb garden designs of medieval and Renaissance Europe period are a big influence for herb gardeners today. Practical as well as ornamental, formal herb gardens laid out in simple beds date back to medieval Europe and continue to be popular today. It is very easy and inexpensive to maintain a herb garden. By practice the herb gardener can be an expert. Keeping in mind the modern times, herbs used can be differentiated as:

• Culinary herbs
• Medicinal herbs
• Ornamental herbs.

Culinary herbs are the most popular herbs like rosemary, parsley that are very easily grown and contains both annual and perennial varieties. You can also grow medicinal herbs but extracting the medicines from them is not an easy procedure. Ornamental herbs are the otherwise useless herbs, which have shown to have no medicinal value, but because of their beauty or just to add soft foliage to the garden they are still grown.

Traditional herb garden designs do not always suit our modern needs. Some of the preferred designs today are as follows:

• Herb container gardening

For beginners, container herb gardening is the best bet. They are very easy to manage and are flexible enough to be changed often. Pots or containers of different color, pattern and texture add a character to an otherwise dull and green garden. Some herbs like rosemary, which are better to keep indoors during winters, can be brought in without any fuss. Containers are easy and fun to use and soil mixtures can be adjusted without much hard work to suit specific plant needs.

• Raised bed herb gardens

Somewhat related to container herb gardens, raised bed gardens are a great herb garden design technique which allows us to amend the soil, since many herbs require more drainage than what the soil can allow. Plants like mint or weed can prove troublesome if planted loosely without planning, and this is where raised bed herb garden designs help.

• Parterre

This design gives the garden a formal and elegant look. You have to simply segment your garden into different areas for different herbs you plan to grow and hedge them in. The most popular plant used for hedging is the dwarf English boxwood. Large boxwoods can be used at the corners and junctions to add height and visual interest and a sculpture or sundial would give a nice finishing touch. Planting of herbs in threes and fives allows the eye to register the plant and move over to other groups without troubling our vision. This is a common technique used in most herb garden designs.

• Roses

Roses are one of the earliest and original inhabitants of the herb gardens. They prefer drier and sunny conditions and the foliage of the herbs provides a perfect foil for the rose blossoms. Rosa rugosa is a great rose for the herb garden both historically and aesthetically.

Herb garden designs are not too hard to maintain and can be done even by a beginner who would acquire the skills in the process. All level of skilled gardeners can try their hand in herb gardening and enjoy its simple yet effective results.

Herb Gardening With Your Children

Herb gardening with children is a delightful way to engage children in gardening as a hobby. Both your teenagers and young children will enjoy herb gardening. Teach them about the history of herbs and their many uses. Not only will they get a feeling of satisfaction about growing the herbs but they will feel a sense of contribution to the family when the herbs are used in cooking. They will be amazed at what they have accomplished through a mere seed.

For centuries herb gardening has been popular. In addition most of the very popular herbs are disease resistant and can overcome very arid climates. There are two advantages to an herb garden hobby. One, they can be planted indoors at any time and if you want to plant outside they only take a few weeks to sprout giving your children a sense of wonderment quickly. So if the kids are bored during the cold months being cooped in side an indoor herb garden is perfect. Choose fragrant smelling herbs or herbs that will spice up your food. Imagine how much fun they will have when they sprinkle fresh basil from their garden on their pizza.

To begin an herb garden with your children you will need to get some easy to find basic items. Start small with six pots that have holes in the bottom. Have the kids paint the pots for an additional activity. Next you will need either seeds or already started plants from your nursery center or from the internet.

Only a few basic easy to find items are necessary to begin an herb gardening project with your children. The most popular herb plants for children are Lavender, Sage, Mint, Coriander, Basil, Parsley and Oregano. You will need some good potting soil also available at the nursery center. Have on hand some plastic wrap, Popsicle sticks, a marking pen and poster paints if the kids are going to paint the pots.

Once you have gathered your supplies it is time to plant. Fill the pot with soil and have the kids scatter a few seeds over the top (check to make sure the seeds don't overlap). Have them gently place soil over the seeds and light tamp down. Plant more then a few seeds since some seeds won't sprout.

Water the soil but don't drown it. Herbs do no like to have "wet feet". However do not allow them to dry out. With your marking pen, label the Popsicle stick with the name of the herb and insert into the pot.

To conserve on moisture cover the pot with plastic wrap. Make sure you uncover them for fresh air every other day so mildew cannot form.

Now it is time to find a sunny spot to place your herb garden. Herbs need 4 to 6 hours of sunlight a day. In two to six weeks, depending on the herbs you have chosen, your seeds will begin to germinate. Off with the plastic wrap now that they are ready to grow.

The kids will love watching them grow and smelling their fragrances. It's time to enjoy your herb garden with your children.

Once the kids have been successful in this project you may wish to branch out and start growing some other herbs. This project of herb gardening with your children will truly inspire your kids with a love and appreciation of gardens and herbs.

Organic Herb Gardening, Grow Herbs Organically

Organic herb gardening, for those who don't have enough time to devote to the garden or maybe you are a new gardener, is the garden to start with. If you have a small area, then an organic herb garden is ideal as it need not take up much room. Organic Herb gardening is a popular hobby and is so simple and easy to do, the children can get involved and grow to love gardening.

Herb Gardening Organically

As a hobby herb gardening the organic way, gives you a way to use what you have grown in your favorite recipes and add great flavors. You will find that organic herb gardening supplies are not expensive and your local garden center will have everything you need to get started. Herbs are so easy to grow and can be very rewarding for the home hobby gardener. There is nothing more satisfying than to be able to go out into our own gardens and pick something so fresh to add to our favorite dishes. With organic herb gardening what is planted can be used so well and the organic type of gardening is much healthier.

Herbs And What To Grow

Herbs have so much value, they are not just aesthetic, although herbs will add a wonderful fragrance to the gardens. There are several types of herbs that you can grow, why not start with the varieties for a particular type of cooking like, Italian or Thai. These types of herbs are called the culinary herbs. Why not research the different types of herbs that can be grown in your area. Once you start using your home grown herbs, from your very own organic herb garden, there will be such a difference in the flavor they add to your cooking that you will never want to use the dried herbs again. That is unless they are the dried herbs that you have dried yourself, as these taste so different to the commercial ones you buy in the grocery stores.

Herb Plants

If you start with the herb seeds, make sure you read the instructions on the packet first and follow them. Some seeds can be sown directly where they are to grow, others need to be raised in seedbeds and planted out later when they are a certain size. Organic herb plants are easy to take care of and are not bothered by too many pests. The mint variety should not be planted out into a garden as it will become almost like a weed and take over everything. But by all means, plant mint in a pot, I would plant all types of mint in pots, regardless of their variety. Organic herb plants can be grown in a window box, all types of containers, amongst other plants and flowers. Make sure that wherever you plant your herbs they have the right growing and soil conditions and of course, drainage. These organic herb plants have so many options for you, use fresh, dried or extract the oils. Oils from herbs have so many uses.

Organic herb gardening is all about growing herbs using the same methods as for organic farming. Organic herb gardening can be less expensive than other methods. The key to being successful with organic herb gardening is working with nature, this is better for you, your family and your pets. There is plenty of information today on how to treat common garden pests organically. Much of this information can be found on the Internet with recipes for getting rid of different types of pest and these recipes can be made with products you may already have in your pantry and all helpful to the environment. When you garden, your compost bin becomes your best friend, sounds strange I know, but once you get into organic gardening, it will become so clear. For the organic gardener there is nothing like a good compost bin.

If you are a person who likes to keep up with what is happening around you, then get into organic herb gardening as using fresh herbs in your cooking is just so "in" as people are finding out how much of a difference they make to our cooking. So if you want to use herbs for cooking, medicinal or even the wonderful aromatic value they have, then get your organic herb gardening started. Not only is it a great hobby but once you get into herbs there is such a wide variety to learn about, it can be such a fascinating pastime

Try Your Hand At Herb Gardening

The expanding popularity of the use of whole ingredients in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, as well as the renewed attention given to alternative forms of medical treatment, have fostered increased attention on the use of herbs. Used in a host of cuisines, as well as treatment for minor ailments and even disease, natural herbs have enjoyed a long and celebrated history.

For those looking to transform their lifestyle, the use of natural herbs in their diet and medicine cabinets, can be a momentous step in the right direction. While herbs can certainly be found in local grocery stores, farmers markets, and health food stores, many people are turning to herb gardening in order to have what they need at their fingertips at all times.

Herb gardening can be as simple as you make it and does not require a large amount of land to be successful. Many a gardening enthusiast has been able to achieve a beautiful and space efficient herb garden in pots that sit right outside their door. This can be enormously beneficial for those who live in the city and only have access to a fire escape or small outside facility.

Any plant supply store can easily show you the ins and outs of herb gardening in the ground or in pots, as well as help you choose a selection of herbs that meet your particular needs. The Internet is also a great resource for herb gardening on all levels. Be sure to research each specific herb to determine its optimum growing conditions.

Obviously, through the fair weather months, it is easy to simply snip some herbs from your garden for instant use. But herb gardening can be a year round project as you also have the opportunity to dry and store herbs for winter use.

This process actually begins in mid-summer when the leafy herbs are in mid flourish. Cut the tops of the leaves and wash them well under cold water. The leaves are then hung to dry and then bundled by type – stems tied together. Herbs should then be stored – leaves first – in a paper bag which is tied closed at the end. The bag should then be hung in a cool, dry place.

In a matter of weeks the herbs should be dry enough to leave the bag at which time they should be crumbled and dried in the oven at an extremely low temperature. Your goal is to remove any remaining moisture, not to cook the herbs. At this point, your herbs can be stored for a variety of uses.

Herb gardening can bring a lifetime of enjoyment and experimentation as you learn to discover what herbs work best for you.

A Quick Guide To Herb Gardening

Herb gardening is becoming more and more popular every day and for good reason. Herbs have practical value, serve a purpose and with herb gardening, you can actually get to use your plants. When most people think of herb gardening, they automatically think of cooking, but herbs are also grown for their pleasant aromas and their beauty.

One important part of herb gardening, is drying the herbs, for use during the winter months, especially if you plan on cooking with them. First, the tops of leafy herbs have to be cut, washed, and hung up, for the water to evaporate. Then, tie the stems together and hang them up in a paper bag, to dry properly. After two, to three weeks, they can be removed. Crumble the leaves, dry them out in the oven and store in a glass jar.

One of the most common herbs gown in herb gardening, is Basil. “Dark Opal” and regular Green Basil, are beautiful additions to any garden and are often used as decoration. Dark Opal has light pink flowers and dark red leaves. Basil isn’t just used for its looks, it is used for extra flavour in tomato juices and pastes.

Chives are very petite looking and resemble a blade of grass. They are much stronger than they look however and will grow well, through a drought. Their toughness and sturdiness makes Chives a perfect plant, for herb gardening, especially if the gardener doesn’t want plants that require a lot of hassle. Chives are good when used in salads, egg dishes and many different sauces.

Mint is also very simple to grow and is good to use in mint jelly, mint juleps, lemonade and any other kind of fruity drink. Mint is also good in herb gardening, for its unique minty smell. Two herbs that appear in nearly everyone’s herb garden, are Thyme and Sage. Both of these herb gardening favourites, are used for flavouring soups, chicken, turkey, pork and other sausages. Sage is also grown sometimes, for its beautiful blue spiked flowers.

Lavender is probably the best smelling herb, in all of herb gardening and is often used in candles, as a perfume scent and to improve the smell in linen chests. The light purple flowers smell absolutely lovely.

Other types of herbs often grown in herb gardening, include Borage (used in salads), Chervil (used in egg dishes), sweet Marjoram (flavours lamb, fish, salad, and soup), Sesame (flavours crackers, cookies and bread) and Dill (flavours meats and used in pickles). Herb gardening allows gardeners to use herbs from their own garden, for cooking, looks and smell. Herb gardening will produce much fresher herbs, with more flavour than store-bought herbs and are a lot cheaper.

Indoor Herb Container Gardening Brightens The Room

An indoor herb container garden is a great buy for it adds some color to a room, some flavor to a dish and health to the family. Indoor herb container gardening can be done all year long in freezing Detroit or in sunny Tampa. Indoor herb container gardening is a portable garden. During the chilly winter months, this garden can be moved into the house and possibly moved out in the summer. Indoor herb container gardening can be contained completely in moveable containers. The containers for this type of garden can be found at stores. There are indoor gardening kits that can help a novice gardener along to success.

Indoor herb container gardening can provide fresh herbs throughout the coldest part of the year. The elements can be excluded from the life of these plants when needed, and these elements can be added back to the environment of these plants as well. In other words, if the plants need lots of light, the directions will explain so the gardener can move the plant around so it gets plenty of light. Indoor herb container gardening also provides some of the vitamins and minerals necessary for great health such as cayenne.

Indoor Herb Container Gardening Keeps Everyone Healthy

Indoor Herb Container Gardening is a great way to grow herbs for the health of the family right in the family kitchen. For hundreds of years, herbs have been added to food or taken separately because they have medicinal value. There are some great herbs that provide benefits for the health of each person in the family. Echinacea, for example, has shown some promise as an herb that will lessen the impact of a cold and shorten the time that a cold lingers. This can be grown right at home in a container garden. Other herbs have shown some positive effects for people who suffer from depression.

Even a novice gardener can produce an herb container garden with the proper knowledge. There is a great deal of information about growing these herbs. A serious student of gardening techniques will be able to grow these fantastic herbs by following instructions from experts. The information on the beneficial and tasty herbs is abundant so the gardener should choose the herbs for the container garden carefully. The information available about the herbs will describe the benefits of each herb in detail. The gardener armed with this information should produce a wonderful addition to the kitchen window sill.